Escape from tarkov free download

January 3, 2023

Escape from Tarkov is a story-based experience that challenges all comers to escape the city with their lives. Matches are session-based and inhabited not only by human players but AI-driven Scavs to fill the world – ensuring a constant air of danger. Players can join the conflict on their own or with a squad of friends, as multiplayer is at once both cooperative and competitive. Any loot you find in a session you get to keep, provided you make it to one of the extraction zones alive. However, if you find yourself on the losing end of a gun battle, you’ll lose everything you found and everything you brought with you.

Escape from Tarkov is a story-based experience that challenges all comers to escape the city with their lives. Matches are session-based and inhabited not only by human players but AI-driven Scavs to fill the world – ensuring a constant air of danger. Players can join the conflict on their own or with a squad of friends, as multiplayer is at once both cooperative and competitive. Any loot you find in a session you get to keep, provided you make it to one of the extraction zones alive. However, if you find yourself on the losing end of a gun battle, you’ll lose everything you found and everything you brought with you.
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