Far Cry 6 PC Download

May 22, 2022

Far Cry 6 takes us on a journey to Yara-a fictional tropical country inspired by Cuba. The hard-liners here are led by Anton Castillo, whose life’s goal is to rebuild the country and restore it to the glory of fifty years ago (when his father was dictator), no matter what sacrifices he will have to force the citizens to make. Besides, Castillo is raising his successor, a 13-year-old son named Diego. The character we play is Dani Rojas, a warrior or warrior of the local resistance, who is trying to remove Castillo from power through both guerrilla warfare and bloody protests in the streets of the capital of Yara – Esperanza.

Far Cry 6 бол Ubisoft компаний хамгийн алдартай дайны тоглоомууд киноны дараагийн анги юм. Энэ нь Far cry 3 байсан гайхалтай өсөлтөөс хойш гэрэлтэж, тэндээс 5 одтой зэрэглэл бүхий бүх консол руу нэвтэрчээ.

Одоогийн байдлаар энэ нь Call of Duty эсвэл Battlefield зэрэг энэ салбарын шилдэгүүдтэй хүчтэй өрсөлдөх чадвартай тоглоомын франчайз юм. Зургаа дахь анги нь энэ бол маргаантай асуудалд ороход бэлэн байсан тул Far Cry 6 нь өнөөдөр дайны видео тоглоом сонирхогчдын сонирхлыг татсан улс төрийн дүр зурагтай болно.

Нэмж дурдахад, Far Cry 6 нь PlayStation 5 болон Xbox Series X | S-ийн хувьд нэлээд өндөр гүйцэтгэл хүлээгдэж буй шинэ үеийн консолуудад зориулан бүтээсэн сагагийн анхны тоглоом байх болно.


Far Cry 6 takes us on a journey to Yara-a fictional tropical country inspired by Cuba. The hard-liners here are led by Anton Castillo, whose life’s goal is to rebuild the country and restore it to the glory of fifty years ago (when his father was dictator), no matter what sacrifices he will have to force the citizens to make. Besides, Castillo is raising his successor, a 13-year-old son named Diego. The character we play is Dani Rojas, a warrior or warrior of the local resistance, who is trying to remove Castillo from power through both guerrilla warfare and bloody protests in the streets of the capital of Yara – Esperanza.

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